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Download grabit store

download grabit store

O Drag and drop the items around to change the download order * KParts interface for previewing posts (.nfo, images, etc.) inside the program * Multi tabbed interface in IDEAl mode, to open multiple newsgroups at once

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* Filter articles by subject and state (read, unread, complete, incomplete) * Acceptable (at least, by me :) memory usage (80-100 MB VMRss with several large groups open) * Gracefully handles network errors, timeouts, disconnects and out-of-space errors * Multiple download threads per server support, with the ability to add or remove threads "on the fly" * Queue balancing: KLibido spreads the bytes load across servers with the same priority * Multiple servers support, with priorities and fallback if an article fails on a server and is present on another server * Automatic decoding of posts, using the uudeview library (yEnc supported) or an internal decoder

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